Friday, 26 November 2021
Friday, 19 November 2021
Pet Day Vaseline Saucer
We have Pet Day at Ohaeawai School every year and one of the activities we do is to create a symmetrical design on a saucer using flower petals. You put Vaseline on the saucer first to make the flowers stick. That’s why they are called Vaseline Saucers. Here is a pic of me with mine:
Friday, 12 November 2021
On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Plants Fought Back.
It was about these little boys playing with plants and the plants started to get mad so they fought back
I chose to make a little banana with googly eyes
Friday, 5 November 2021
Play, Make, Create
On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: That’s Not the Monster We Ordered. It was about being grateful for what you have. I chose to make a big TE-REX for my ugly scary monster creation.
Friday, 1 October 2021
Handwriting Week 10 Term 3
We had to do a handwriting sample this week. My handwriting is not that good but it’s way better than the start of the year
Friday, 24 September 2021
Play, Make, Create Week 9 Term 3 2021
On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Wombat Stew. It was about a dingo who caught a wombat and tried to make wombat stew. But, it didn’t work
So I chose to show you how to make a juicy Wombat stew
Play, Make, Create Week 9 Term 3 2021
On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Wombat Stew. It was about a dingo who caught a wombat and tried to make wombat stew. But, it didn’t work….
I chose to make another way to catch a wombat. I just used a net. Here is my Google Drawing to show my idea.
Friday, 17 September 2021
Poetry Week 8 Term 3 2021
For the last two weeks we have been learning about different kinds of poetry for reading and writing. I decided to publish this poem. It is a cinquain poem about chocolate.
Play, Make, Create Week 8 Term 3 2021
On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Maui and the sun.
It was about the Maori myth which explains how/why the sun moves across the sky.
I chose to make a slide about how Maui could have slowed the sun by throwing water on it.
Friday, 10 September 2021
Play, Make, Create Week 7 Term 3 2021
In Week 7 of Term 3, we got back to school!!! On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Tidy
It was about a badger that was too tidy. I chose to write about a bull shark that cleans the oceanand I drew a bear so the badger could ride it and get through the mud in the forest.
Friday, 27 August 2021
Week 5 Term 3 2021 Daffodil Day
I chose to draw a daffodil for daffodil day. Because I like to draw and it looked fun here's my drawing
Hope you like it
Art Week 5 Term 3 2021
I drew a scorpion and wrote down where it lives what it eats how long it lives and how big it is.
here is my scorpion
Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 My Metamorphosis
Yet another thing we did for writing this week was to imagine that we had undergone metamorphosis.
We had to pretend we had woken up one morning and discovered we had changed. It would be like going to sleep as a caterpillar and waking up as a butterfly. We had to write about what our new body was like and what we could do. I chose to wake up and turn into VENOM
Here is my work.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Friday, 18 June 2021
Play Make Create 7
In Week Seven of Term 2, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Crayons Quit. It was about some crayons who were not happy.
I chose to make an emoji for the sun which is coloured yellow.
Friday, 28 May 2021
Play Make Create Week 4
In Term 2 Week Four we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. This week Mrs Craig Read the book paper, Scissors, Rock. It was about friendship and learning about your strengths and weaknesses. I chose to make a story board about a rock VS a peice of paper↘
Monday, 17 May 2021
Feathers Writing Week 2 Term 2 2021
This week we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some feathers. We didn’t find any but luckily our teachers had collected some so then we came back to class and wrote about them using our senses of sight and touch to describe them I did an acrostic poem here is my work hope you like it⤵
Friday, 14 May 2021
In Term 2 Week two we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. I chose to make a digital creation called an acrostic poem about evil sticks and stones and here is what I made hope you like it⤵
]Friday, 7 May 2021
Play Make Create
In Term 2 Week One we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation. I chose to create something 
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Week 10 Term 1 2021
this week my litracy group went to the libary to learn about vr headsets and fish. the fish were so scary wen they came up to your face when you look down you cant see your body or hand. at the end there was a giant sting ray that cme up to the camera and it actuly hit it here is my work what I learned ↘
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Basic Facts Term 1
Kia ora koutou
This is my basic facts blog for the beginning of 2021. I am working on Stage 5 which is
below where I should be. I sored 21/60. I am doing OK at hundreds adding to 1000 and multiplication facts for the 2x,5x and 10x tables. I need to work harder at groupings within 100, subtraction facts to 20 and my division facts.
Our teachers have been reading us the story “Charlotte’s Web’. We
had to create something about the characters, setting or plot of the story.
I decided to make a Google drawing.
Here is my work: ↘
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Week 10 Term 1 2021
This writing task was about a language experience. Our teachers brought different kinds of chocolate to school and we got to eat it! We tried white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel chocolate and pink chocolate. We could write about it in any way we liked but our teachers hoped we would use lots of describing language and our senses.↘
Monday, 12 April 2021
Reading Week 10 Term One
This week for reading we read an extract from Charlie and the chocolate factory. It described Willie Wonka. Then we had to answer some questions and find the language that described his face. Here is my work.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory By Roald Dahl Page 2
Who is the author of the text? Dahl Roald
Who is the main character of the extract? Do you know what an extract is? Willy Wonka
Is he the main character of the book? No, Charlie is
The novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a good example of a narrative, but what do you think the purpose of the xtract is?
- to describe - to inform (share facts) - to share memories of a life
In the table below, write the two nouns which describe parts of Mr Wonka’s
face and the
adjectives which describe them.
Nouns Chin eyes | Adjectives small, neat, pointed black-beard – a goatee most marvellously bright |
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Week 6 Term 1 2021 Couplet Poem
We are learning how to write a couplet poem. We looked at an example on page 32
of SJ 1.4 1992. Then we had to choose our own noun, two opposite adjectives to
describe it, think of rhyming words for the end of each line and finish the last line
with a onomatopoeia word repeated 3 times. Here is my work
Reading week 9 Term 1
This week for reading we had to focus on being able to find
adverbs in a story and recognise what kind of adverb they were.
Here is my work:↘
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
The old Church Week 7
Friday, 26 March 2021
We are learning how to look at numbers, how they work and how you can group them. We did an activity called Numbers as shapes. It’s a bit like algebra thinking. Here is my work:
Reading Week 7 Amazing stickers
This week for reading we had to focus on being able to find adverbs in a story and the verbs, adjectives and other adverbs which they describe.Here is my work.
Friday, 5 March 2021
Reading week5
Kia ora
For reading this week we had to look for adjectives. I didn't know that there were different kinds of adjectives.
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Reading Week 3 Term 1 2021
Kia ora
Here is my first group reading task for the year. Mrs B was not that happy that I hadn't finished my work.
Friday, 19 February 2021
Statistics Learning
Over the last 3 weeks we have been learning about statistics in maths.
I know that a graph needs a title, x and y axis labelled.
I know how to write a statement about my graph.
We learnt how to use a spreadsheet
to make a chart using our own data.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
The Life Cycle Of A Butter Fly
Kia ora
We are learning that basic punctuation means that you have a capital letter at the start of a sentence, and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end of every sentence when you do a piece of writing.
Here is my writing about the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly.
1: This is a life cycle of a Monarch butterfly.
2: The butterfly lays an egg on the live for a swan plant.
3: Egg hatches into caterpillar.
4: The caterpillar eats and gets bigger.
5: The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis.
6: After while Butterfly comes out.